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A public health or human rights issue?

re. Mother fights for right to nurse child Toronto Star logo

At what point does a reasonable apprehension devolve into paranoia? This should be asked of Ellie Karkouti. Her pool is filled using municipal water, which is safe for human consumption, then continuously chlorinated and filtered. Despite her graphic and overstated description of what pool water may contain, pools are perfectly safe for people to swim in. If you don't mind the chlorine taste, it's also safe to drink.

Nor are breastfeeding rights protesters a group of rabble intent on destroying property and attacking people. They are as peaceful a group as you are likely to find. Karkouti's hiring of security guards was another extreme reaction to a non-existent threat.

"Anytime, Anywhere" is the time honoured right of mothers around their world to feed their babies. While Karkouti may not want to breast feed in her pool, others don't live their lives in the constant state of fear that seems to afflict her. We can only hope that she doesn't pass this trait on to her children.

Gary Dale

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