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re. School donor policy sparks fears

(letter as submitted)
In October of 2003, the people of Ontario gave the Liberals a substantial majority based in part on their promise to fix the funding formula for the province's schools. Instead, they have applied a couple patches that have done little to resolve the problems.

The notion of individual schools or school boards doing community fund-raising, or even taking corporate sponsorships, differs little from the previous system of raising local school taxes. Both systems allowed have and have not schools to exist depending on the ability and desire of local taxpayers to support their schools. This is not a system we want to return to.

With the election date set for October 10, the start of the school year will be fresh in the minds of parents. The Liberals have left themselves very little time to deal with the issue. Our children deserve better and if the Liberals aren't up to the task, I'm sure the voters will find another party that is.

Gary Dale, Toronto

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