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City seniors are being pushed out for a park

re. Raging granny digs in her heels and vows to resist being evicted

While I agree that the plight of Mary Vaughan deserves attention, I have to question why a more serious issue right here in Toronto is being ignored. I'm referring of course to the expropriation of the Chesterton Shores properties to allow the waterfront park to be expanded.

If it's wrong for a landlord to evict a senior citizen from her long-time home to make room for his son, isn't it just as wrong to evict several seniors who have lived there for decades just to expand a park? Given that the downtown waterfront park plans have seen little progress, why is there such a great rush to develop this small stretch of land? Why can't the property be purchased then leased back to the current owners for as long as they continue to use it?

I know the people who live on Chesterton Shores. I'm willing to wait for the park.

Gary Dale

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