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letter to The Toronto Star published 2005/07/20

re. We're caught on camera far less than Londoners

Naomi Carniol left out one important issue in her article on video surveillance. Despite all their high-tech video gear and a police force with a wealth of experience in anti-terrorism, it was London, not Toronto that suffered the bombings. Nor could Madrid's police, who have been dealing with Basque separatists for decades, stop the bombings there. Clearly security is not just an issue of surveillance and policing. Like the September 11 attacks in the United States showed, having a large and powerful armed forces was no protection either.

As Gwynne Dyer pointed out in "West in denial about terror attacks" (July 15), Canada's support for the U.S. war effort is unlikely to have been sufficient (so far) to attract terrorist attention. This could change if we continue to drift towards closer military integration with the United States - something supported by both our Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition.

Our security in Canada must come from being an honest broker for peace, human rights and human dignity in the world. We will gain more protection by standing up for what is right than we will by cracking down on civil rights and integrating our security with the United States. We can only achieve real security by making the world safer for everyone.

Gary Dale

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