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Should we rethink mandatory retirement? Does it still make sense?

By age 65 people have been working for between 35 and 50 years. That is long enough. Let them enjoy their remaining years while the next generation takes over.

At 65, especially with dual-income families where the husband is frequently older than the wife, many couples have only a few retirement years where they are both in good health. Let us not take that away from them.

Our seniors are a valuable resource. They volunteer. They help out with their families. They speak out with the voice of long experience. They keep our political system honest.

The best reason I have heard for removing mandatory retirement is that many seniors are living in poverty. Let us fix the real problem by ensuring that people can retire with dignity. All pensions should be indexed, social assistance programs should provide adequate levels of support, and health care for seniors needs to improve.

Let us not keep them chained to their jobs. Employment should not be "till death us do part".

Gary Dale, Provincial NDP Candidate
Scarborough East

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