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I believe that Ernie Eves is making a mockery of the Blue Ribbon campaign in support of our health care workers by his refusal to call for a full public inquiry into the SARS crisis.

Why is the handling of the SARS crisis less important than Walkerton? More people have died (although the long-term health impacts are not fully known), more people have had their lives disrupted, and the economic impact on the province is far greater from SARS. Both have severely damaged Ontario's reputation.

It has taken persistent pressure from the health care workers and the opposition parties to get Eves to agree to a limited inquiry. It looks very much like the major lesson he learned from Walkerton is to stonewall.

Unlike Walkerton, we are asking our health care professionals to put their lives on the line when they go into work. Surely, they deserve the same full public inquiry that the people of Walkerton were granted. Surely, the people of Ontario deserve the same type of thoughtful, well researched recommendations that Justice O'Connor was able to deliver.

Supporting our health care workers has to mean more than simply wearing a blue ribbon. It must include listening to their concerns and giving them an opportunity to have those concerns fully investigated.

Gary Dale, Provincial NDP Candidate
Scarborough East

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